• 27813
    Gas Leak


    Just got a fresh Zip. Opened it up, smell was yummy. Rolled a doob, blazed and I can barely type. Good stuff

  • 11170
    Rockstar Tuna


    I recieved this as a sample. I really enjoyed it. Nice white ash. And very nice taste and burn.

  • 26278
    Purple Mcrupp


    Not my fav from here. Just my thing.

  • 27817


    I got this last time around. Very different from the meat breath ive had but all in all it was very potent! Very unique smell and taste.

  • 27544
    White Runtz


    Absolutely amazing bag appeal! Smokes very nice as well! Thanks again BWP!

  • 27537
    Chocolate Kush


    Very nice BWP! My wife loved this one! Very smooth and tastes and smells of nice almost Raspberry chocolate!

  • 9595
    Purple God


    It was the god buds stronger sister in taste stench and buzz , a bit leafy but definitely worth the small pittance they asked for in exchange for it good stuff

  • 8436
    Black Tuna


    This is very nice weed that will kick your ass if you overdo it..i grabbed a oz last order and everytime you open the mason jar everyone in the vicinity stops what they are doing to figure out what the strong/awesome/stink is..it was a steal for what i paid for it..sorta woshbi got more..Highly recommended

  • 24038
    Cheap Weed – King’s Kush


    good choice if you want to try something different.

  • 10544
    Death Bubba


    5 star high, loving the price