It was the god buds stronger sister in taste stench and buzz , a bit leafy but definitely worth the small pittance they asked for in exchange for it good stuff
This is very nice weed that will kick your ass if you overdo it..i grabbed a oz last order and everytime you open the mason jar everyone in the vicinity stops what they are doing to figure out what the strong/awesome/stink was a steal for what i paid for it..sorta woshbi got more..Highly recommended
Marty –
Just got a fresh Zip. Opened it up, smell was yummy. Rolled a doob, blazed and I can barely type. Good stuff
Fadedhippy –
I recieved this as a sample. I really enjoyed it. Nice white ash. And very nice taste and burn.
Fadedhippy –
Not my fav from here. Just my thing.
Fadedhippy –
I got this last time around. Very different from the meat breath ive had but all in all it was very potent! Very unique smell and taste.
Fadedhippy –
Absolutely amazing bag appeal! Smokes very nice as well! Thanks again BWP!
Fadedhippy –
Very nice BWP! My wife loved this one! Very smooth and tastes and smells of nice almost Raspberry chocolate!
It was the god buds stronger sister in taste stench and buzz , a bit leafy but definitely worth the small pittance they asked for in exchange for it good stuff
This is very nice weed that will kick your ass if you overdo it..i grabbed a oz last order and everytime you open the mason jar everyone in the vicinity stops what they are doing to figure out what the strong/awesome/stink was a steal for what i paid for it..sorta woshbi got more..Highly recommended
birdz –
good choice if you want to try something different.
birdz –
5 star high, loving the price